Various MSF Info & Links...

Click on the desired topic title to go to that information:

Interested in becoming a Rider Coach?  What are the requirements? Where do you start?

      1. Contact PRO Motorcycle Training to start the process (go to Contact Us)
      2. Go to the MSF website for additional information on becoming a Rider Coach
Various Motorcycle Riding Info & Links...
  • An Adventure in Motorcycle Physics (MSF Free Course)
    • Note: This course material is only available in the iTunes U app on iPhone or iPad.
    • Click for Course Materials
    • Course Description: Motorcyclists can improve their riding awareness and skills by acquiring a deeper understanding of the physics of riding. Although technical in nature, this content offers practical application in helping riders become more effective decision-makers as they control the inputs when operating their motorcycle on the street. This course is based upon the intellectual property of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the DVD/booklet set “The Complete Motorcyclist” published by the Institut für Zweiradsicherheit e.V.
Misc Organizations' Riding Info ...


Our mission is to provide a wide range of information about the different threats consumers face, including those related to motorcycle safety.

Consumernotice.org has published a motorcycle safety guide that covers the following and more:

    • Top risks
    • Helmets
    • Other vehicles
    • Drugs and Alcohol
    • Safety tips

Click here for the Motorcycle Safety Guide

N&C Accident Injury Lawyers

The Safe Rider’s Guide to Preventing Motorcycle Accidents

Meirowitz & Wasserberg Injury Lawyers

25 Motorcycle Safety Tips to Keep You Safe




PROMCT offers the MSF BRC1 & BRC2 motorcycle safety courses, and also a variety of other classes to satisfy student riders’ objectives.
The BRC1 & BRC2 courses provide a waiver for the road test portion of your DOT license requirements.
PROMCT’s classes offer:

-> A controlled, safe environment when riding on the range
-> Convenient days/times to satisfy any student’s schedule constraints
-> Small class sizes to allow personalized and direct coaching for the most effective outcomes
-> Experienced RiderCoaches provide the best coaching available.
-> Free or reduced price retakes if not successful the 1st time;  PROMCT is committed to your success!

Scroll down to learn more about all of PRO’s classes.


What class should you sign up for?  PRO offers a number of classes to choose based on your skill level.  The PRO course flow diagram shows the suggested class to sign up for based on your riding skill level.  The following is PRO’s definition of the rider’s skill level:

  • NOVICE : Someone who has little to no experience riding a two-wheeled vehicle, including bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles.  Also, riders that easily or quickly become nervous and/or anxious under minimal stress levels, just want to experience getting on a motorcycle, and/or want a slower pace to “learn how to ride” should consider starting here.
  • BEGINNER:  A rider that has minimal to a lot of riding experience, and that is comfortable on a on two-wheeled vehicle (including bicycles, scooters, & or motorcycles).  Knowledge/experience with a clutch is helpful.
  • EXPERIENCED: A rider that has extensive riding experience and good skill levels.  A focus on foundational skills is not a necessary objective.

Note: A student who takes and successfully completes a lower level course will get a discount off a higher level course if the student wishes to continue to advance their skills. For example, a student completes the “Learn to Ride” (LTR) course will get a discount off a BRC1 course.  This is PRO’s commitment to help the student progress along their motorcycle riding journey at the student’s pace.


for Beginner or Intermediate Riders

Never ridden before?  Or, have experience but want to learn how to ride the right way?

The MSF Basic RiderCourse is designed for beginning riders of all ages.  Five (5) hours of computer-based training prepares you for eleven (11) hours over 2-3 days of hands-on riding exercises in a controlled, off-street environment on a paved parking lot.  You’ll gain critical skills/techniques and confidence in the operation of your motorcycle.

In the computer training, you’ll learn about the different types of motorcycles, layout and operation of the basic controls, and how to become a safer, more responsible rider.  On the range, and taught by a MSF-certified RiderCoach, you’ll learn the basic skills on riding a motorcycle, including slow-speed maneuvers (weaves, u-turns, & turns), straight-line riding, stopping, shifting, and turning, gradually progressing to swerving, negotiating curves and emergency braking.

Upon successful completion, the student will earn a waiver for the road test portion of the DMV licensing requirements.  Also, some insurance companies may offer insurance premium discounts for those that pass.



  • Age requirements:
    • Riders must be => 16 yrs old
    • if rider >15 1/2 & <16 yrs old and does not have “D” license, rider must have finished the Driving Theory class
  • Motorcycles are provided free of charge for your use during the course; A student can use their own motorcycle, if it meets specifications (contact PROMCT to confirm)
  • A temporary motorcycle license is not required to take this course.
  • Multi-day, 16 hr course, consisting of:
    • 5 hr Online computer-based training on the basics of rider safety skills and mental and social considerations when riding
    • 15-30 min online or in-person Meet ‘n Greet & Q&A
      • An in-person session for handing in forms/waivers and Q&A; normally two days prior to the riding sessions.
    • 11 hrs of Range Riding:
      • Typically 5.5 hrs / day over 2 (sometimes 3) days
  • Upon successful completion,
    • Rider will get a MSF Card showing proof of course success
    • PRO will update WISDOT, which will allow the rider to waive the road test requirement when applying for a motorcycle class “M” endorsement
    • Rider may also be eligible for insurance premium discounts (depends on insurance company)
  • Cost of course:  See the course schedule for current pricing
  • Promptness to all activities is a must!




for Experienced Riders

Already have some riding experience?  And, have your own bike that you’d like to learn how to ride more safely and effectively? 

The Basic Rider Course 2 (BRC2) is for “experienced” riders, and is designed to get the rider comfortable on their own bike and hone their skills to ride with more confidence. It is similar to the BRC1 except speeds are higher and the rider uses their own motorcycle. The BRC2 is a 1-day course, and is an excellent refresher course for practicing and renewing riding skills.

Upon successful completion, the student will earn a waiver for the road test portion of the DMV licensing requirements.  Also, some insurance companies may offer insurance premium discounts for those that pass.

Note: The first two range exercises are “screening” exercises for the instructor to assess your skills. If you cannot fully and safely control your motorcycle or successfully complete these two screening exercises, you will be counseled out of the BRC2 for your safety and the safety of the other students. If you’d like to register for the BRC1 at that point, contact PROMCT;  PROMCT will apply a portion of your enrollment fee towards a BRC1 class.  If you have any reservations about your riding skills, PROMCT recommends signing up for the BRC1 course.



  • Student must =>18 yrs old, and have either a temporary learner’s permit or a class “M” endorsement
  • Student must own and use his/her own 2-wheeled motorcycle (of any CC size)
    • Motorcycle must pass a TCLOCS pre-ride inspection (form found at bottom of this section page)
  • Multi-day, 8 hr course, consisting of:
    • 2 hr Online computer-based training on the basics of rider safety skills and mental and social considerations when riding
    • 15-30 min online or in-person Meet ‘n Greet & Q&A
      • An in-person session for handing in forms/waivers and Q&A; normally two days prior to the riding sessions.
    • 7 hrs of Range Riding
  • Earn possible insurance discounts (depends on your insurance company)
  • Upon successful completion,
    • Rider will get a MSF Card showing proof of course success
    • (If needed) PRO will update WISDOT, which will allow the rider to waive the road test requirement when applying for a motorcycle class “M” endorsement
    • Rider may also be eligible for insurance premium discounts (depends on insurance company)
  • All appropriate riding gear is required:  helmets, gloves, eye protection, long-sleeve jacket/shirt, long pants, over-the-ankle boots
  • Cost of course:  See the course schedule for current pricing
  • Promptness to all activities is a must!
  • To ride own motorcycle/scooter, the following must be given/sent to PROMCT prior to or at the start of the riding session:
    • Proof of motorcycle registration from your state’s DMV
    • Proof of motorcycle insurance
    • Proof of Motorcycle temporary permit or class “M” license
      • PROMCT can issue you a Proof of Enrollment letter to obtain temps (even if it is your 3rd time)
      • For more information on license requirements for the Wisconsin DOT, click here.
    • Copies of ALL required forms and documents
  • Be on time to all activities !!!




for Scooter Riders

Want to learn on a scooter instead of motorcycle? *   You can with PROMCT! 

This training is designed for beginner or intermediate riders that plan on riding scooters only. Although PROMCT does not offer a scooter-only course, a student can use a scooter in our regular BRC1 course mixed with motorcycle riders.  Even though the student will be in class with motorcycles, the student will be given the same instruction that motorcycle students receive, albeit tailored to the specifics of how a scooter is designed and operates.

* NOTE: only BRC1 classes tagged with “Scooter Allowed” will allow a student use a scooter.



  • The same MSF BRC1 course training will be given, and the same completion card will be given at completion
  • Because the scooter does not have the same mechanical features of a motorcycle (clutch, shift gear), the scooter student will not be able to practice all of the same motorcycle control techniques that are being taught
  • Scooter
    • Ride a Training site scooter  (only 1 available per class – call  PROMCT to confirm availability), or…
    • Bring your own scooter of 50cc or higher
      • Proof of scooter ownership,
      • proof of insurance
      • Pass a pre-ride TCLOCS inspection
  • All other requirements are the same as for the BRC1 course.  Go to BRC1 class section to learn more.



for Novice Riders Wanting to Learn How To Ride


Never ridden before, and want to learn how to ride in a slow-paced, low-pressure environment?

The Learn To Ride (LTR) class is designed for those who’ve never ridden before — or are relative novices — that want to just learn to ride.  The class is slow paced, and gives you extensive opportunity to get familiar with the motorcycle controls and basic riding skills and techniques.

The LTR course is a 1-day (5 hr) course focusing on introducing the novice student to the motorcycle and its controls, and teaching basic riding skills in a slow-paced, safe environment.  The rider will gain critical skills/techniques and confidence in the operation of a motorcycle.

On the range, exercises are done in a controlled, safe environment taught by a certified RiderCoach. In the training, you’ll learn:

  • location and operation of the motorcycle’s basic controls,
  • range exercises are designed to guide the student through the basic skills of slow-speed riding & some riding maneuvers

NOTE:  The LTR class is not an MSF course, and does NOT provide a DMV road test waiver.  It also does NOT cover all the riding skills taught in the BRC1 course.  If the student is successful in this class and wants to graduate to the BRC1 class, a significant discount to the BRC1 class will be applied.



  • => 16 yrs old
  • A temporary motorcycle license is not required to take this course.
  • Motorcycles are provided by PROMCT
  • Cost of course:  See the course schedule for current pricing



for Any Licensed Rider

Already have your class “M” endorsement and just want to hone your riding skills a bit more?  Our Skills Practice course is for you! 

These practice sessions are designed to give you additional time perfecting the basic motorcycle riding skills needed to ride with confidence, smoothness, and P.R.O. … “Positive Risk Offset”.

This is the same class as the BRC2, less the online computer based training. 

These sessions are perfect for the rider who wants to hone and perfect their riding skills on their own motorcycle in the supervision and coaching of a certified rider coach.

  • See the Course Schedule for current pricing
  • this is a discounted amount of the BRC2 class because the eCourse is not required (see registration section below for discount code)
  • approx 5 hrs.
  1. Motorcycle license or temps
  2. If using own motorcycle or scooter:
    • Any cc size
    • Proof of motorcycle registration at the DMV
    • Proof of motorcycle insurance
    • Motorcycle must pass a pre-ride inspection
      • detailed instructions and forms found in section Activity #4 – Step 5 on the BRC class PreWork page
  3. All riding gear required on the range


for those that have never been on a motorcycle and want to see if it is something to pursue

Just want to take a couple hours to see if learning to ride a motorcycle is for you?  The IME (Introduction to Motorcycles Experience) is for you!

This class teaches motorcycle basics to any beginner wanting to have a first motorcycle ride. It is a two-hour, first-touch motorcycle experience. Designed to familiarize a rider with a motorcycle’s primary parts and controls, and help a rider determine whether motorcycling is a good personal choice. The student is given the opportunity to ride a motorcycle in a controlled area. This is an excellent way to explore motorcycling.



  1. Motorcycle license or temps not required
  2. Proper gear


  • see the class schedule for current price



for Any Rider

Don’t learn well in a group?  Or, feel pressure from others while learning to ride a motorcycle?  Don’t despair!  Private Instruction may the answer!

Private lesson sessions are designed to provide the safe zone you need to learn and perfect the basic motorcycle riding skills needed to ride with confidence … AT YOUR PACE.  These sessions are perfect for the rider who wants to hone their riding skills in a low-risk, 1-on-1 environment.

The goals of a given session will be discussed and defined between the student and instructor.

  • student uses own motorcycle or scooter: $90 / hr (2 hr min)
  • student uses Training company’s motorcycle: + $20 / hr
  • depends on student’s objectives and progress
  1. Motorcycle license or temps not required
  2. If using own motorcycle or scooter:
    • Proof of motorcycle registration at the DMV
    • Proof of motorcycle insurance
    • Motorcycle must pass a pre-ride inspection
      • detailed instructions and forms found in section Activity #4 – Step 5 on the BRC class PreWork page
  3. Proper gear

Contact PROMCT directly via email or phone as found on the CONTACT US page to start the process.






PRO Motorcycle Training, LLC (PROMCT) has been successfully training motorcycle riders in Milwaukee since 2021.

PROMCT’s mission of providing the best training experience possible sets us apart from our competitors.  Although motorcycle riding is inherently risky, the physical and mental techniques/skills we teach you will provide you with the strategies necessary to recognize, classify, reduce and successfully navigate those risks..

PROMCT has built a top-tier team of Rider Coaches.  In addition to their passion for motorcycles, all have a passion for teaching others the necessary skills and strategies of safe riding. All Rider Coaches are skilled in both riding and training, so you’ll get the best results.





What are my course options, and how do I get enrolled?
There are two MSF waiver courses offered by PRO Motorcycle Training:

  • BRC1 – a beginner rider course
  • BRC2 – a rider course for an experienced rider

Additional courses include:

  • Skill Practice
  • Private Instruction

Go to Course Information for additional details on each course, their course schedules, and how to enroll.

What does the course cost?
  • BRC1 – click BRC1 Info for current prices (filter for Category: BRC1)

    • price includes MSF’s online Basic e-Course
  • BRC2 – click BRC2 Info for current prices (filter for Category: BRC2)
    • price includes MSF’s online Street Strategies e-Course
  • Skill Practice – click Skills Practice Info for current prices (filter for Category: SKILLS)

    • there is a discounted amount of the BRC2 class as classroom component is not required
  • Private Instruction
    • student can use own motorcycle/scooter or Training site motorcycle/scooter
    • Click Private Instruction Info for more info and pricing
What if I can't make all of the scheduled course dates?
PROMCT understands that your schedule may not allow you to take the all class components (i.e. the classroom and the range) on the published dates for a given class. 

For classroom, it can be done on another class’s classroom date.  Just let us know at least 24 hours ahead of time, and we will schedule you into the next available classroom.

For range, PROMCT will work with you to reschedule.  Go to PROMCT’s “Reschedule Policy” in the Policies page for details.

Do I need my temporary permit before the course begins?
  • BRC1 – No.

    • NOTE 1: A temporary permit is required if you want to practice riding their motorcycle on the roadways prior to attending the course.
    • NOTE 2: Students needing a temporary permit for the third time will need to provide verification of enrollment to the Department of Transportation.  After enrollment and successful payment, contact PROMCT for this Proof of Enrollment letter (Go to Contact Us for contact methods)
  • BRC2 – Yes
    • NOTE 1: Participants must be 18 years or older to enroll
      NOTE 2: Same as Note 2 above.

What is the age limit to take the course?
  • BRC1 
    • 15 ½ years of age or older
    • If under 18
      • a parent or guardian approval is required.
      • If no temporary permit, have completed Driver Education class.
  • BRC2 
    • 18 years old or older.
  • Skill Practice
    • 15 ½ years of age or older
      • If under 18 years old, must have passed the BRC1 course, and parent/guardian approval
      • If 18 years old or older, must have temporary permit or class “M” license endorsement
  • Private Practice

    • 15 ½ years of age or older
      • If under 18 years old, parent/guardian approval
      • If 18 years old or older, no special requirements
I have an out-of-state license. Can I still take the course?
Yes. *

* If taking the class as a waiver for your home state’s licensing requirements, some states do not accept Wisconsin-issued BRC completion cards.  Click here to see the restrictions for your state (page 7, column 5).

I am under 18 yrs old; What are the eligibility requirements to sign up for a BRC course?
Per the Wisconsin Motorcycle Safety Program Policy Manual (Section 4.1):
  • A driver’s license or instruction permit is not required to enroll in the Basic RiderCourse 1. An instructional permit is required to enroll in the Basic RiderCoure 2.
  • Any person over the age of 15 ½ may enroll in a Basic RiderCourse;  Any person over the age of 16 can enroll in the Basic RiderCourse 2.
  • Any person under the age of 16 must use a site-provided training motorcycle.
  • Any person under 16 must have the written consent of their high school principal to attend during school hours (PRO rarely has classes during school hours)
  • Section 4.1.1 rules:
    • if < 16 yrs old, must use a site-provided training motorcycle.
    • parental/guardian signatures on liability waivers must be notarized OR signed in the presence of a PRO employee or RiderCoach.
    • rider will not be able to get a license until at least 16 years old
    • if a student does not have a “D” license, student can take a BRC1 if, prior to the BRC course start date, the student …
      • has completed the driving Classroom training at the time of the BRC class
      • may or may not have completed the Behind-the-Wheel portion (i.e. completion not required to take the BRC course)
  • To get an “M” license at the DMV:
    • The road test waiver received for successfully completing the course is valid for one year from the completion date.
    • if student less than 16 yrs old, student will need to wait until 16 years old
    • Student must also meet any other DMV requirements for licensure
    • Both Driver Education Classroom & Behind-the-Wheel must be completed

More info on motorcycle licensing can be found here:  https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/motorcycles/mc-how-aply/mc-md-lic.aspx

Does PROMCT offer Spanish-language classes?
PROMCT currently doesn’t offer Spanish-language classes; but, PROMCT recognizes the importance of providing services in multiple languages to better serve our community and is actively trying to hire Spanish-speaking instructors in the near future.

If you know of a Spanish-speaking person that would like to become part of the PROMCT training team, please have that person contact PROMCT.

Does PROMCT have Spanish-speaking instructors?
No, PROMCT currently doesn’t have Spanish-speaking instructors on staff, but is actively trying to hire some.

If you know of a Spanish-speaking person that would like to become part of the PROMCT training team, please have that person contact PROMCT.

I live north of Milwaukee in the Fond du Lac / Oshkosh / Green Bay area. What course options are available in that area?
PROMCT would love to the have you as a student. We are centrally located in the Milwaukee are, but we understand commuting from the area north of Milwaukee can be a challenge.  If this is a concern, check out our friends in De Pere (aka Green Bay) for availability.  Click here: Pro Motorcycle Training

Back to the top


What forms/waivers are required?
There are a number of waivers and forms required for each class.  These will be provided after registration.

* IF UNDER 18, most forms need to be signed by a parent or guardian.

When digitally signing the pre-course waiver packet, can I pause and retain my progress to finish at a later time?
In BoldSign, if you start signing a document and need to pause or exit the signing process, you can do so without losing any of the information you have already entered.

To save your progress and resume later:

  1. Start Signing:
    • Open the document received via email or from the My Documents page
    • Click on the “Start Signing” button to begin the process.
  2. Save Progress:
    • If you wish to pause and resume later, click the “More Actions” button at the top-right corner and select the “Finish Later” option.
    • A dialog box will appear confirming your choice. Click “Go to Dashboard” to save your progress and return to the dashboard.
  3. Resume Signing:
    • When you reopen the document later, you will find the previously entered information intact, allowing you to continue and complete the signing process.

The document will remain accessible to you via the signing link until you finish the signing process or until the document expires, depending on the settings configured by the sender.

Please note, the “Finish Later” option is available only to BoldSign account holders who are logged in.

Please refer this article on How to skip a document during the signing process and resume signing later?

Do I have access to the eCourse if I'd like to review the information?
YesYou have lifetime access to your eCourse.  Click here to access your eCourse with your username and password.
Where do I go to assistance with accessubg an MSF online eCourse?
For clarification of instructions provided by PRO in your regristration email, contact PRO.

For assistance with an MSF online eCourse after initial access and registration, please contact msfsupport@msf-usa.org.

What is required for classroom training?

  • eCourse:
    • upon registration, a confirmation of registration email is sent to your email 
    • a 2nd email will be sent within 48 hours with eCourse access information (a website, username and password); this eCourse must be completed within 30 days of your first class event (whether the Info/QA mtg or Range session).
    • If you did not receive the registration email:
      • check your email account’s SPAM folder
      • contact PROMotorcycle Training Support at the phone number at the top of the website.
    • eCourse URL:  http://elearning.msf-usa.org/
  • Waivers & Other Forms:  there are a couple of waivers that must be printed, reviewed and signed;  these waivers must be given to the instructor prior to the start of student’s first class event. Depending on the class type, other forms are also required. Go to Course Forms for a listing of all required forms
  • Documents/Supplies:
    • eCourse Cert (printed copy)
    • Driver’s License
    • Signed Waiver(s) and other required forms
    • Pen/Pencil
    • Optional:  personal refreshments (beverage, snacks)
  • Positive attitude! 🙂


  • Everything from BRC1, plus
  • Forms and other paperwork  required for using your own bike (go to the “Course Forms” link above.
What if I can't finish the pre-work prior to the range riding session(s)?
The participant can complete the eP1 online eCourse between and/or after formal
range riding starts, but within five days after the last range session. MSF completion cards (and
any other jurisdictional completion documents) will not be issued until proof of eP1 package
completion is provided to PRO Motorcycle Training and knowledge test standards have been met.

Back to the top


What are my options if I don't pass the course?
PRO Motorcycle Training is your partner in your journey to get your license.  If you do not pass the first time, PROMCT will work with you on next steps.  PROMCT will make every effort to help you succeed.  That is PROMT’s commitment to you!

There are a number of options available as next steps if you fail the course.  Options depend on your progress.  Your Rider Coach will assess your skills and discuss with you to come to a common understanding.  Based on that assessment, PROMCT will contact you to discuss what next steps make sense for you.  Options range from redoing the skills test only to retaking the entire class.

Go to the “Retake Policy” in the “OUR POLICIES” page for retake option details.

Where are the Classroom and Riding held/located?
Classroom and/ Range information can be found on the website’s “Location & Maps” page in the “Courses” menu.
What does the course consist of?
BRC1 – (e3 x 5 x 10) 18 hours

  • eCourse:
    • 3 hours
    • Online/Computer-based;  overview of motorcycles, gear, and riding concepts
    • Must be completed within 30 days of the start of your class
  • Classroom:
    • 5 hours
    • In-person; focused on concepts and strategies to minimize risk and handle special riding situations
  • Riding:
    • 10 hours, spread over 2 days
    • On the riding range; Training focuses on basic control skills including straight line riding, weaving, stopping, turning and shifting; then, more advanced skills including stopping quickly, cornering and swerving.

BRC2 – 9 hours

  • Usually completed within a single day
  • Classroom:

    • 3 hours
    • In-person; focused on concepts and strategies to minimize risk and handle special riding situations
  • Riding:

    • 6 hours
    • On the riding range; Exercises focus on basic control skills including straight line riding, weaving, stopping, turning and shifting; then, more advanced skills including stopping quickly, cornering and swerving.
Do I need to bring my own motorcycle?
BRC1 – No

  • Students may use their own licensed motorcycle/scooter of 500cc or less along with proof of registration and insurance.  Contact the training site if you plan to use your own vehicle.

BRC2 – Yes

  • Students must bring their own licensed motorcycle
  • Documentation to provide the instructor include:
    • Class “M” license or temporary motorcycle license
    • Proof of registration
    • Proof of insurance.

Skill Practice – Yes *

  • Students must bring their own licensed motorcycle
    • * Participants can use a training site motorcycle/scooter for an additional fee
  • Documentation to provide the instructor include:
    • Class “M” license or temporary motorcycle license
    • Proof of registration
    • Proof of insurance.
What supplies are required for riding on the range?
See the Course Preparation” page for more information.

The student is required to wear the necessary riding gear for riding on the range.

  • long pants
  • long sleeve shirt (and/or jacket)
  • sturdy shoes that cover ankles (leather boots preferred; no canvas shoes)
  • full-fingered gloves
  • eye protection (clear lenses preferred)
  • a DOT-approved helmet

Student should bring their own refreshments and snacks, and layered clothing options in case of changing weather conditions.


PRO Motorcycle Training has the following available to the student for loan and/or purchase, if needed:

  • helmets from Med to 2XL
  • gloves
  • goggles
  • limited number and sizes of over-the-ankle boots for both women and men
What are the requirements for successful completion?
BRC1 – The student must:

  • Sign and turn in all required forms
  • Attend & participate in all classes & all range exercises
  • Be on time for all events
  • Participate in learning and class discussions
  • Successfully pass the online Basic e-Course
  • Pass the riding assessment at the end of the range training

BRC2 – The student must:

  • Provide own motorcycle, along with proof of registration and insurance
  • Possess a motorcycle temporary license or class “M” endorsement
  • Sign and turn in all required forms
  • Attend & participate in all classes & all range exercises
  • Be on time for all events
  • Participate in learning and class discussions
  • Successfully pass the Street Strategies online e-Course
  • Pass the riding assessment at the end of the range training

Skill Practice – The student must:

  • Provide own motorcycle, along with proof of registration and insurance
  • Possess a motorcycle temporary license or class “M” endorsement
  • Sign and turn in all required forms
What does "counseled out" mean?
It the goal of PR Motorcycle Training to provide each student the best training experience possible by quality Rider Coaches. To that end, each Rider Coach will work with each student based on their needs.  However, if a student exhibits riding tendencies that result in an unsafe and risky environment to himself/herself or to others, the training school and the Rider Coach have the obligation to remove the student from the range and end the training session for that student.

For specific policy details, go to the “Counsel Out” policy in the policy section of the “ABOUT” menu.

I have a motorcycle license and have rode motorcycles before. Do I have to attend the classroom session?
Yes.  All course components must be completed for successful passing of the course.
Will I have difficulty riding the motorcycle?
Motorcycling is an awesome and fun experience, and absent special and unique situations, most people can safely ride a motorcycle.  With proper technique and mental awareness, a confident rider can ride most any motorcycle of any size.

However, there are some considerations that you can assess about yourself that will make the experience easier or more difficult. A positive response to the following questions will set you up for success:

  1. Can you ride a bicycle?
    This is a prerequisite for enrolling in our Basic RiderCourse and generally a good gauge of your ability to maneuver a motorcycle.  Bicycling, like motorcycling, is a physical activity that involves balance and coordination.  If you’ve not ridden a bicycle in a while, it is highly recommended that you get plenty of riding in before coming to the range.
  2. Am I mentally ready to ride a motorcycle?
    Riding a motorcycle is not for everybody.  There is inherent risk, and some people are fearful or anxious.  Fear and anxiety are not helpful emotions when riding a motorcycle.
  3. Am I physically able to ride a motorcycle?
    There are certain heights that make riding some motorcycles more difficult.  If you are unable to put your feet firmly on the ground while on the seat, the overall operation is more risky and uncomfortable.
What motorcycles are used in the range training?
BRC1 –

  • Motorcycles used in the BRC1 are 500cc or smaller.
  • PROMCT’s fleet includes various brands and models, including (but not limited to):
    • Honda Rebel 
    • Honda CB
    • KTM Duke
    • Royal Enfield Meteors


    • Misc other(s)


  • Training site owned scooters are available with limited availability;  call PROMCT for more info.  A student may use their own scooter if proof of registration and insurance is provided.


BRC2 –

  • The student must use their own motorcycle.
Are Scooters available for range training?
Yes.  Starting in 2022, there will be one school-owned scooter available for the range training.  If you want to use it, call PROMCT to confirm its availability and to reserve it.
Can I use my own motorcycle or scooter in for the range training?

Requirements are based on the course…

  • BRC1:  Yes … if a motorcycle, it must be under 500cc;  if a scooter, 50cc or greater.
  • BRC2:  Yes,
    • For BRC2, student-owned motorcycle or scooter is required
    • Optional: can rent a site-owned motorcycle/scooter for an additional fee

For student-owned motorcycles or scooters, students must provide the following prior to the first range day.

  • proof of registration
  • proof of insurance
  • a completed & passing pre-ride TCLOCS inspection  (go to the Course Forms page for a downloadable TCLOCS form)
I lost my MSF Card. How do I get replacement card?

Students looking for replacements of their RiderCourse completion card should contact PRO.

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Will I get my license if I pass the course?
The successful completion of your BRC1/BRC2 course results in a waiver for the skills/road test portion of the Wisconsin Dept of Transportation (WISDOT) licensing requirements.  Additionally, if you don’t have your temporary permit, there is a knowledge test administered at the DMV.

When you complete your course, you will be issued a MSF Completion Card as proof of successful completion.

  • PRO Motorcycle Training will notify the WISDOT within 2 business days after card issuance that you passed the course;  at that time, you can visit any DMV center and get your Class “M” Endorsement (provided other licensing requirements are met).
  • If you arrive at the DMV prior to PRO Motorcycle Training notifying the DMV of your passing the MSF course, your MSF Card can be used as proof of your successful passing of the course.  This is your card; do not give it the DMV agent.

Click here to go to the Wisconsin DOT website for more information.

I have an out-of-state license. Can I still take the course?
Yes. *

* If taking the class as a waiver for your home state’s licensing requirements, some states do not accept Wisconsin-issued BRC completion cards.  Click here to see the restrictions for your state (page 7, column 5).

Where can I get info on licensing and training requirements?

For information on motorcycle licensing and training requirements for your state, please contact either a local training provider in your area, your local licensing agency (such as the Department of Motor Vehicles), or your State Motorcycle Safety Coordinator. For the contact information for your State Motorcycle Safety Coordinator, please visit msf-usa.org, click on “Contact Us” at the top of the page, then scroll down to your state.

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