Skills Practice Schedule 2022 Sep 8, 2022 KDMT-MKE is offering a number of skills practice sessions for riders who want to continue improving their skills in a safe, controlled environment and receive feedback from a certified rider coach. These sessions include exercises in low-speed maneuvers including braking, swerving, and turning, and higher-speed skills in negotiating curves. Please fill out the following questions to indicate which sessions work for you; KDMT will get back to you in due time after all responses are processed. Please contact KDMT with any questions or comments. Note: starred (*) items are required. 1. SESSION PURPOSE * I understand these sessions are provided by KDMT-MKE only and are not affiliated in any way with MSF or any MSF course, and there will not be any credit toward a waiver for a WI DMV "M" endorsement. The sessions are for basic skill practice. Yes No None 2. SELECT ANY/ALL SESSIONS YOU COULD ATTEND * Sun, Oct 23: 12:00p-3:00p (3 hr) Sun, Oct 23: 3:30p-6:30p (3 hr) Sun, Oct 30: 8:00a-11:00a (3 hr) Sun, Oct 30: 11:30a-2:30p (3 hr) Sun, Oct 30: 3:00p-6:00p (3 hr) None of these work; I'd interested in any future classes 3 hrs is too long; I'd be interested in a shorter class I'd like 1-1 training, not in a group 3. I AM REPLYING AS A/AN: * Individual Part of a large group (4+); I am the contact/coordinator Part of a large group; each are replying separately None 4. COURSE FEE * I understand the course fee is $65 (discounts for groups of 4 or more), and is due when I arrive at the session, or before if requested by kdmt-mke. Yes No None 5. MOTORCYCLE / SCOOTER * I understand I will use my own motorcycle or scooter, and that a completed TCLOCS form, and proof of registration and insurance are required prior to the session. Yes No None 6. MINIMAL COURSE ATTENDANCE * I understand that KDMT-MKE requires a minimum number of riders in order to pay costs, and that KDMT-MKE may cancel any session if the number of riders is under that threshold. Yes No None 7. MSF CERTIFICATION * I am MSF Certified / I attended a BRC1 or BRC2 with KDMT-MKE. Yes / Yes Yes / No No / Yes No / No None 8. COMMENTS (optional) Please add any comments about the offered classes or other thoughts you'd like KDMT-MKE to be aware of: Name * Phone * Email * Group/Club (if applicable) Time's up